@charset "utf-8"; /* input[type=submit] { -webkit-border-radius: 10px; border-radius: 10px; } */ /**************************************/ /* index */ /**************************************/ /*** 1.Common body a br img h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 p em strong ins del ul,ol th,td form textarea input[type=text] select address 2.layout #header #menu #contents #footer 3.custom .summary .totop ***/ /**************************************/ /* 1.Common */ /**************************************/ /* @media screen and (max-width:750px) { body { font-size:30px; } } */ body { margin:0; padding:0; color:#333; font-family:verdana, sans-serif; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; font-size:100%; text-align:center; text-decoration:none; letter-spacing:1px; line-height:1.4; background:#e0efff; } a { color:#551A8B; text-decoration:none; } a:link { color:#551A8B; } a:visited { color:#551A8B; } a:hover { color:#333; } br { letter-spacing:normal; } img { border:0; vertical-align:bottom; } h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 { margin:0; 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background:#e0efff; } /**************************************/ /* 3.custom */ /**************************************/ /* header ------------------------*/ #header { box-sizing: border-box; background-color: #668ad8; margin-bottom: 50px; } #header .contentInner { position: relative; height: 50px; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } #header h1 { text-align: center; font-size: 200%; color: #fff; display: inline-block; } #header .header_buttonWrap { width: 150px; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } #header .button { width: 100%; display: inline-block; color: #fff; font-weight: bold; background: #2F3540 url(/images/arw.svg) no-repeat; background-position: center right 10px; text-decoration: none; padding: 7px 10px; margin-top: 10px; box-sizing: border-box; border: none; } #header .button:first-child { margin-top: 0; } #header .button.confBtn { background: #fff url(/images/conf.svg) no-repeat; background-position: center right 10px; background-size: 20px; border: 1px solid #2F3540; color: #2F3540; } #header input[type="submit" i]:focus, #header input[type="submit" i]:active { /*ボタンを押したとき*/ outline: none; -webkit-transform: translateY(4px); transform: translateY(4px);/*下に動く*/ } @media screen and (max-width:767px){ #header { margin-bottom: 20px; } #header .contentInner { height: 40px; } #header h1 { font-size: 150%; } #header .contentInner { padding: 0 65px; } #header .header_buttonWrap { width: 60px; } #header .button.confBtn, #header .button { font-size: 12px; padding: 5px 10px; background-position: center right 3px; background-size: 10px; } #header .button.confBtn { background-size: 12px; } } /* contents ------------------------*/ #contents h2 { margin-bottom:2px; padding-top:1px; border-bottom:3px double #00008b; color:#00008b; } #contents h3 { margin-bottom:2px; margin-left:1em; padding-top:30px; border-bottom:1px solid #333; } #contents h4 { margin-bottom:2px; margin-left:1em; padding-top:30px; font-weight:normal; 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border-bottom: 3px solid #BBB; font-size:110%; color:#111; width: 100px; height: 40px; padding: 10px 0; margin-right:20px } #contents .button2 { background: #EEE; border-top: 3px solid #DDD; border-left: 3px solid #DDD; border-right: 3px solid #BBB; border-bottom: 3px solid #BBB; font-size:11pt; color:#111; width: 60px; height: 30px; padding: 5px 0; } #contents .menu_btn { background: #EEE; border-top: 3px solid #DDD; border-left: 3px solid #DDD; border-right: 3px solid #BBB; border-bottom: 3px solid #BBB; font-size:110%; color:#111; width: 115px; padding: 10px 0; margin-right:10px } #contents .line_button { background: #EEE; border-top: 3px solid #DDD; border-left: 3px solid #DDD; border-right: 3px solid #BBB; border-bottom: 3px solid #BBB; font-size:110%; color:#111; width: 80px; padding: 5px 0; margin-right:10px } */ /* daySearch ------------------------*/ #daySearch { display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size:120%; } #contents #daySearch select { border: 1px solid #a5a5a5; padding: 0.5em 1em; font-size:24px; } #contents #daySearch .login { color:red; font-weight:bold; } #contents #daySearch select:hover, #contents #daySearch select:focus, #contents #daySearch select:active { border: 1px solid #668ad8; outline: none; } #contents #daySearch .button2 { margin-left: 5px; font-size:24px; } #contents #daySearch .btnResat { background-color: #eee; border: 1px solid #a5a5a5; color: #2F3540; } @media screen and (max-width:767px){ #contents #daySearch select, #contents #daySearch .button2 { padding: 0.25em 0.5em; } } /* mainForm ------------------------*/ #contents #mainForm { width: 100%; max-width: 600px; margin: 0 auto; background-color: #fff; box-shadow: 0px 0px 25px #0000000F; border-radius: 15px; padding: 50px 20px; box-sizing: border-box; } #contents #mainForm .mainFormInner { display: block; width: 100%; max-width: 450px; margin: 0 auto; } #contents #mainForm tbody { display: block; width: 100%; } #contents #mainForm tr { margin-bottom: 20px; display: flex; 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box-sizing: border-box; margin-bottom: 10px; display: inline-block; } #contents #mainForm input:not(.button) { width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; } } #contents .totop { font-size:88%; text-align:right; } #contents .close_msg { color:red; font-weight:bold; font-size:24px; } #footer address { padding-top:30px; font-size:70%; text-align:center; } /**************************************/ /* 3.custom */ /**************************************/ #contents table.edit { width:70%; border-collapse:collapse; background:#FFFFFF; } #contents table.edit th { padding:5px; width:100px; font-size:14px; text-align:left; border:1px solid #ddd; background:#f0f7fc; } #contents table.edit td { padding:5px; font-size:14px; text-align:left; border:1px solid #ddd; background:#FFFFFF; } /* table.suj ------------------------*/ #contents table.suj { width: 100%; border-collapse:collapse; background-color: #fff; } #contents table.suj th { text-align: center; background: #668ad8; font-weight: 600; } #contents table.suj thead th { border: 1px solid #ddd; background: #2f3540; color: #fff; } #contents table.suj thead th:first-child{ width: 10%; min-width: 4rem; } #contents table.suj tr:nth-child(even) th{ background-color: #7e9fe6; } #contents table.suj tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: #f3f3f3; } #contents table.suj tbody td { width:80px; text-align:center; border: 1px solid #fff; } #contents table.suj th{ font-size:20px; padding: 0.5em; } #contents table.suj td { font-size:18px; padding: 0.5em; } #contents table.suj tbody td.link { padding: 0; } #contents table.suj tbody td.link:hover { opacity: .5; } #contents table.suj tbody td.link a { color: #668ad8; display: block; padding: 0.5em 0; } #contents table.suj td.sc1 { background:#A4F3FF; } #contents table.suj td.sc2 { background:#33FFCC; } #contents table.suj td.sc3 { background:#98fb98; } #contents table.suj td.sc4 { background: #A4C6FF; } #contents table.suj td.nasi { background:#CCCCCC; } #contents table.suj td.aki { background: #E0FFFF; } #contents table.time { width:80%; border-collapse:collapse; 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font-size:12px; text-align:center; color:#000000; background:#f0f7fc; } #contents table.calendar th.holiday { padding:5px; font-size:12px; text-align:center; color:#FF7575; background:#FFE3E3; } #contents table.calendar th.saturday { padding:5px; font-size:12px; text-align:center; color:#000099; background:#E3F4FF; } #contents table.calendar td { padding:5px; width: 80px; height:100px; font-size:12px; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; border:1px solid #696969; } #contents table.calendar td.holiday { color:#FF7575; } #contents table.calendar td.close { padding:5px; background:#DFDFDF; } #contents .btn { background: #EEE; border-top: 3px solid #DDD; border-left: 3px solid #DDD; border-right: 3px solid #BBB; border-bottom: 3px solid #BBB; font-size:110%; font-weight:bold; color:#111; width: 80px; padding: 10px 0; } #contents .day_btn { background: #EEE; border-top: 3px solid #DDD; border-left: 3px solid #DDD; border-right: 3px solid #BBB; border-bottom: 3px solid #BBB; font-size:90%; font-weight:bold; color:#111; height:30px; width: 80px; padding: 5px 0; } #contents .time_btn { background: #EEE; border-top: 3px solid #DDD; border-left: 3px solid #DDD; border-right: 3px solid #BBB; border-bottom: 3px solid #BBB; font-size:90%; font-weight:bold; color:red; height:30px; width: 80px; padding: 5px 0; } /* 入力域(文字列) */ input.char { background-color:#ffffff; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } textarea.char { background-color:#ffffff; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 入力域(文字列、背景色が薄青色) */ input.char_blue { background-color:#E3FFF4; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } textarea.char_blue { background-color:#E3FFF4; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 入力域エラー(文字列) */ input.char_err { background-color:yellow; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 入力域(文字列) */ input.char_off { background-color:#ffffff; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; ime-mode: inactive; } textarea.char_off { background-color:#ffffff; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; ime-mode: inactive; } /* 入力域(文字列、背景色が薄青色) */ input.char_off_blue { background-color:#E3FFF4; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; ime-mode: inactive; } textarea.char_off_blue { background-color:#E3FFF4; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; ime-mode: inactive; } /* 入力域(数値) */ input.number { background-color:#ffffff; font-size:10pt; text-align:right; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 入力域(数値、背景色が薄青色) */ input.number_blue { background-color:#E3FFF4; font-size:10pt; text-align:right; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 入力域エラー(数値) */ input.number_err { background-color:yellow; font-size:10pt; text-align:right; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 文字列 */ .char { font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 文字列 */ .char_blue { font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; font-size:10pt; text-align:left; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 文字列(右寄せ) */ .char_right { font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; font-size:10pt; text-align:right; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 文字列(中央揃え) */ .char_center { font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; font-size:10pt; text-align:center; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 数値表示 */ .number { font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; font-size:10pt; text-align:right; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 数値表示 */ .number_blue { font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; font-size:10pt; text-align:right; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* エラーメッセージ */ #header .char_err { color:red; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; font-size: 180%; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 警告メッセージ */ #header .char_warn { color:#FF9900; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; font-size: 180%; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 情報メッセージ */ #header .char_info { color:#0000F2; font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; font-size: 180%; font-family:"MS ゴシック",Arial; } /* 必須プルダウン */ .sel_blue { /* background-color:#eddbff;*/ background-color:#E3FFF4; } input.check { border: 0px none; background : #F8F8F8; } /* 必須チェック */ input.check_blue { /* border: 0px none; background : #eddbff; */ border: 0px none; background : #E3FFF4; } #contents input[type=checkbox] { width: 24px; height: 24px; -moz-transform: scale(1.4); -webkit-transform: scale(1.4); transform: scale(1.4); } #contents .cansel { align:center; } #contents .detail { border:1px solid #999; border-collapse: collapse; margin:3px 0 20px 1em; font-size:180%; } #contents .detail tr.line { background:#ECF8FF; } #contents .detail th { border:1px solid #999; padding:5px; font-weight:bold; background:#FFF8EC; } #contents .detail td { border:1px solid #999; padding:5px; font-weight:normal; background:#FFFFFF; } #contents .totop { font-size:88%; text-align:right; } #contents .font_medium { font-size:150%; }